RCD Keeps Tripping

An RCD will trip when an electrical fault is detected, the fault could be in the form of a faulty appliance, damaged cable, wiring fault or something else. RCDs are sensitive safety devices which must NEVER be bypassed, if an RCD trips it is carrying out the function it is designed to do in the event of a fault to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury or even death to persons, livestock or property.

A tripping RCD should never be ignored, RCD’s do not trip for no reason and could indicate a serious issue which needs urgent attention.

So, in that case we will surely help you to fixing the RCD tripping problem.

What is RCD?

An RCD (Residual Current Device) is an electrical safety device which is normally installed within a consumer unit or other suitable enclosure and is available in many ratings (A) and sensitivities (mA), the rating (A) must be selected to be suitable to carry the required design current, the sensitivity (mA) of the RCD will depend on what the desired function of the RCD is to be used for, BS 7671 sets out some min/max mA ratings.